Will Shula manage to solve her difficulties? Is Christine about to make a monumental mistake? Why is Justin so happy all of a sudden?

Radio Times: Matt is keen to impress and Christine has heard a rumour

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  • The good and the great are gathering at Grey Gables. Justin is there to take lunch on his own but bumps into Matt who is meeting and greeting for his investor conference. They both meet Peggy and Christine, who are waiting for Jill to arrive for their ladies lunch. Justin wanders off to take a phone call. Matt manages to interest Christine in lunch and a prospectus. However, Peggy tries to instil some sense into her friend’s head, by reminding her that there are very few “free” lunches to be had.
  • Alan and Shula meet at The Stables to discuss Caroline’s memorial event. It’s clear that Shula is worried about how Oliver is coping especially as his daughter had to return back to the USA on Saturday. Apparently, Oliver has chosen a willow coffin for the cremation. With Shula clearly distracted, Alan suggests that as it’s a good day, walking and talking may be a good idea. Shula agrees.
  • Christine announces to her companions that Fallon and Harrison may be looking for a place of their own. She “reassures” Peggy that she has no intention of moving back to Woodbine Cottage. In her turn, Peggy mentions Lynda’s view that Matt’s event has been a bit of a flop there being many “no shows.” As Christine goes off to hear one of the speakers, Justin joins the group and hears the news about the conference. Secretly overjoyed, he expresses sympathy. Bring on the tearful crocodiles.
  • Shula reminisces about the first time she met Caroline. Even though she was an avowed straight talker, Shula knew from the outset that their friendship would be profound and long lasting. Shula has had some thoughts about the memorial. Perhaps some words from Rossetti’s “Remember” and a reading of Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8. But Shula realises that she has made some serious assumptions. Alan has already offered to lead the event, but is that really what Caroline would have wanted? She was an atheist after all. Perhaps she should rethink her plans?
  • Matt manages to catch Christine as she leaves the event. He asks what she thought of Hugo’s presentation and offers to arrange an introduction. She insists that she has no money to invest. However, Matt is convinced that the meeting would be valuable to all parties and as usual, he manages to get his own way.
  • Peggy, Jill and Justin are taking coffee outside. Jill continues to bang on about the Duxford sisters and asks Justin for his thoughts. He feels that they’re a little overrated. Christine joins the group. She has found the conference very interesting indeed. The speaker was an expert and the questioners asked some very probing questions. Justin excuses himself for a moment as he spots his colleague, Latif, trying to attract his attention. Christine confirms that he was one of the questioners. When Justin returns moments later, he is smiling from ear to ear. When asked why by Peggy, he gives no indication, other than to say that it’s simply a “perfect day.”

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