William surprises poachers; Emma is concerned because they were armed.

Radio Times: Chaba’s Hungarian rhapsody.

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  • Of course Eddie has absented himself just when Clarrie needs to get on with building the stalls for the Christmas market. Clarrie has all the baking to do as well – and Mike wanted mulled wine but they would need a licence. Emma will give a hand though.
  • It’s Chabba’s big night at the WI and Shula tells him what he has to do. Bit late now. But she does manage to persuade Bert to join in the carols. They need to plan for when Janet leaves as well. There is so much to do. They will find it hard to cope without her.
  • Chabba’s speech went down very well. Lots of questions. Maybe some of Ambridge will be off to Hungary now. Chabba had to judge the humorous teapot competition. And he managed to pick Fallon’s ticket in the raffle. Serves her right though. Mrs Woolley has given Chabba a membership form for Fallon.
  • William can’t persuade Emma to stay the night again but they are going to stop in the country park. It will be romantic. But it turns out that there is trouble again. Poachers loading up a deer carcass. And they had a gun!

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