With Ursula gone, Henry will bear the brunt of Rob’s capricious nature.

Radio Times: Pip spots an opportunity, and Henry must do his duty.

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  • Ursula has some of Rob’s baby paraphernalia to pass to Rob’s son but the chances are that he may have outgrown it by the time Rob meets him. Rob’s anger flares up as he rants about misplaced justice, when all he wanted was to introduce some stability into Helen’s chaotic life. Ursula’s departure leaves Henry at the mercy of Rob’s strict, disciplinarian ways.
  • Pip and Toby plan their next assignation, at the risk of taking Toby off the job just as he’s promised Rex and Josh that he’ll turn over a new leaf. Not exactly dependable or apt to create a good impression, Pip suggests he could take the business more seriously alongside his playboy image.
  • Eddie and Joe are working on Elf World’s new location. They’re proud of the publicity they’ve received in The Echo and will be displaying fluorescent advertisement posters in the village. On the cusp of the school holidays, they look forward to the money rolling in. That is, until Joe has a run through of his ghost story, which Emma says goes too far for little children’s ears. While she’s at it, she’s appalled at their photo in The Echo, which Emma thinks represents a couple of child catchers. Emma does bring some good news from the surveyor visit. There will be no easy or cheap fix for the Grange Farm water damage, which will mean lowering the asking price if the Sterlings still plan to sell. This could herald a stay of execution for the Grundys’ living arrangements.

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