A contrite Ed appears in court and later learns about Emma’s setback.

Radio Times: Clarrie learns the truth.

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  • Clarrie needs to dash into the shop; she cannot go to court with torn tights! Ed is nervous but would be better for knowing how Emma is. Betty surprises them with the news that she needs another operation.
  • Clarrie has tried to ring the hospital without success, now she and Eddie just have to sit at the back of the court; their mere presence will benefit Ed’s cause. When the charges are read out, Ed pleads guilty to all three: taking a car without consent, driving without insurance and driving without a licence.
  • The prosecution solicitor has said some awful things, to Clarrie’s ear. Usha speaks up for Ed, her young client, who appreciates the gravity of the offences and who pulled Emma from the wreckage. She asks for an adjournment for a pre-sentence report, which request the magistrates accept. However, they recommend that a custodial sentence be considered. Ed gets a good talking to and must appear again on 30 October. Meanwhile he must live at home and is subject to a curfew.
  • Finally Clarrie gets through to Susan and learns that Emma has indeed needed another operation to deal with a problem of blood around her muscles. If it is unsuccessful, she might lose her leg.

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