A dull Sunday: Ruth’s uneventful birthday; Sid looking for western props for his wedding do; Roy planning the Single Wicket competition

Radio Times: Haymaking at Brookfield.

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  • Ruth seems thrilled that David has actually managed to make a piece of toast for her birthday. Kenton and Bert are still wasting even more time. Kenton is trying but still doesn’t turn up when needed. But Pip seems to have turned into the new Constable with her thrilling pictures of hay. Ruth is not too thrilled at the idea of inviting Bert to their ‘special day out’ at the Royal.
  • Bert Tom and Eddie are squabbling about the haymaking but Eddie thinks he knows best. Tom tries to claim that organic farming is up to date but Bert and Eddie think its time has passed. Tom is still expecting to do well at the Royal though.
  • Sid is trying to scrounge some old horse harnesses and stuff for the wedding. Even mouldy ones seem to be acceptable. He also wants David at his stag night. It’s going to be at the Goat and Nightgown. It’s getting some odd reactions. Eddie’s even heard it’s going to be lap dancing.
  • Roy is planning the Single Wicket this year. Tom thinks he can beat “Will” Grundy this year (when did that name change!). But if his bailing skills are anything to go by he may have a way to go.
  • Bert is very pleased to be asked to the Royal. He’ll have to check with Freda but he’s sure she’ll enjoy it. Ruth says she is looking forward to it as well – through gritted teeth though.

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