Abbie’s god-parents are to include William; he leaves Ambridge claiming to be unworthy.

Radio Times: Will bids an emotional farewell.

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  • At least Clarrie can claim one success: she has persuaded William to explain to George that he has to go away: of course George will be able to see his daddy and they can talk on the phone when he is at Grandma’s.
  • Roy and Hayley have been contacting the friends and family they would like to be Abbie’s god-parents; Elizabeth was touched, Brenda delighted and William – doesn’t know yet.
  • The future of the shop is worrying Susan. As he helps her reorganise the stock upstairs, Neil has a bright idea. This used to be a flat; it could be a flat again and earn some extra money.
  • Now Will is upset because his news made George cry but Roy assures him that children are very resilient. And Roy impresses upon him that he must be back by the start of the next cricket season. When he brings up the subject of being Abbie’s godfather Will pleads that he is unworthy; he can’t do it. At least he will think about it; it’s not until the end of September.
  • Clarrie reports that George soon calmed down and is excited about going to Gloucester Dock – Clarrie had told him about it. William bids an emotional farewell and Clarrie hopes he is going to be alright.

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