After pouring his heart out to Kirsty, Kenton ends up staying at her flat again.

Radio Times: Emma receives a sweet surprise and Jolene gets away from it all.

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  • Emma finds chocolates on her doorstep. Ed denies all knowledge of it and is beginning to find it a bit weird.
  • Fallon takes Jolene for a spa day and it seems to cheer her up a bit. Fallon tells her how much all the bar customers are missing her. Fallon can’t imagine life without the pub now. She’ll still write her songs but the pub is really important.
  • Kenton clearly isn’t feeling great after his row with Kathy and missing Meriel. But he needs to make a living and has spent every hour he has getting Jaxx on the map. He has a drink after hours with Kirsty to tell her all about it. He just doesn’t understand Kathy’s reaction to Sid’s death. He doesn’t think she ever stopped loving him. And then Kenton ends up crashing at her flat again.
  • Alice is very excited to hear Susan has great plans for a wedding party though Christopher is a bit surprised. He thought she didn’t want a fuss.

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