Alan recruits Lynda for a new role. Jack finds it difficult to talk about his old roles.

Radio Times: Peggy hopes for a good innings for Jack.

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  • Back from holiday in Spain, Alan has some good news: the Parochial Church Council is keen to support their ideas to update the churchyard records. He is less than complimentary about Bert’s colourful shirt – alright for a cruise perhaps.
  • In The Bull, Alistair and Sid are discussing the cricket team – who is in and who is out: Tony too ham-fisted, Tom rarely comes to nets, Neil is borderline. Bert appears in a bow tie and linen jacket, looking like a dodgy antiques dealer according to Sid.
  • Lots of people have gathered in Jack’s honour for the unveiling of the plaque on the cricket pavilion. Imogen from The Echo is keen to do an interview and take a photo with the team; Jack is very confused.
  • Alan has approached Lynda to help with the churchyard project and, of course, she is willing. Bert has now changed into a black suit prompting the question of whether someone has died.
  • Jack finds Imogen’s questions confusing and she has to be diverted by Sid. Tired now, Peggy takes him home, assuring him that he has done really well and that his photo will be in The Echo.
  • Bert explains to Alan that he is seeking suitable attire for his role as a room steward at Lower Loxley; he is convinced that they will soon want him to do full tours. Such mental stimulations may, as Bert suggests, help him not to go like Mr Woolley but sartorially, Alan thinks he is not quite there yet!

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