An exasperating day for everyone, but all’s well that ends well.

Radio Times: Message for Mr Aldridge.

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  • Brian is anxious to ‘get on’ as Jennifer tells him that Fly has had an accident. He will need to see the vet. Debbie would be off today of all days. Jennifer remarks sarcastically that she’s sorry they’re all such an inconvenience to him.
  • It’s lunchtime at the hospital and the slow pace of Siobhán’s labour is telling on her patience. Elizabeth, obviously hungry, is trying to divert her with the possibility of eating. Can she stop talking about food, snaps Siobhán, beginning to apologise as Brian arrives. That gives Elizabeth the opportunity to go for lunch and Brian assures Siobhán that he will be able to stay until his evening date at Grey Gables.
  • Jennifer has called at The Lodge, taking Peggy roses as a birthday gift. Peggy and Jack are looking forward to dancing to the swing band at Grey Gables tonight. So is Jennifer, but she’s not sure about Brian – he’s so tetchy and preoccupied at the moment. Perhaps the dance will relax him, says Peggy, turning the conversation to the W.I. in which Fallon suddenly seems to be taking an interest! The penny drops for Jennifer when Peggy reveals that Chaba will be speaking at the next meeting!!
  • By six o’clock Siobhán is in the birthing pool and Brian is desperate for the baby to arrive before he has to leave. He seems unaware that what Siobhán is going through is perfectly normal, and his desire to control the situation is getting under the girls’ skin. They persuade him to leave for the dance, promising to phone the moment anything changes.
  • Jennifer’s mood is no better than Brian’s as they get ready to go out. He can’t manage his bow tie and she nearly (only nearly – shame!) strangles him when she tries. At the dance he is completely anti-social, even though it is obvious that everyone else, except Jennifer, is having a whale of a time. He tops it off by bringing her red instead of white wine, spilling it all over her as his mobile rings and rushing off to answer it in private. Brian is completely overcome with emotion as Siobhán announces the birth of their son, Ruairidh, and holds the phone so that he can hear him …

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