An old flame of Debbie’s re-appears and Tommy’s righteousness knows no bounds.

Radio Times: Who is on the telephone?

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  • The PYO opens this weekend and while Mike is making leaflets Neil’s preparing for a radio interview – with lots of boring facts!
  • Grandmaternal problems abound … Jennifer is unhappy that Kate is taking Phoebe to Glastonbury for her birthday and Julia is having problems with her knitting!
  • An old flame of Debbie’s has re-appeared, Simon Gerrard is to be a lecturer in Felpersham and wants to renew their acquaintance. She says she’s uninterested, but Lizzie suspects more …
  • Usha (on Pat’s request) paints a grim picture of prison to Tommy, but he’s obstinate, so they discuss “lawful excuse” as a possible defence. Given the value of the crop, it’s likely to go to the Crown Court – therefore a jury trial.
  • Pat’s horrified at the thought of her son in prison and when he tells her the reason Helen’s gone back to college she feels worse, realising that collecting her “Best Business Student” was what Helen had been trying to tell her all week.