Bert and Freda are moving; David’s trial does not end in court …

Radio Times: David faces the court.

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  • Bert and Freda are moving into the bungalow today. Jill is helping Freda while Bert finishes helping Ruth with the morning milking. He keeps reminding her about the court case, as if she wasn’t aware of its imminence already …
  • David is not happy about the presence of a television reporter outside the court. Usha recommends that whatever the outcome he should smile sweetly and say nothing. And don’t forget to look repentant in the dock.
  • The RSPCA officer gives his evidence regarding the discovery of the dead badger.
  • Freda seems happily settled in the bungalow but Ruth senses that something is worrying Bert. The recliner chair is missing. Ruth tells him its definitely not at Brookfield, then remembers seeing it at Glebe Cottage …
  • Usha defends David’s action as sympathetically as possible.
  • Bert asks Jill if she knows where the recliner is. She confirms that Phil has it, but only to mend. It was damaged while the decorators were in the bungalow, but now it’s as good as new. Ruth comes by to report that David has been fined £400 with £200 costs. Could have been worse.
  • Usha thinks David was lucky not to get a stiffer fine. Now he has to run the gauntlet of the reporters. He declines to comment but the RSPCA officer expresses his satisfaction with the outcome of the case.
  • As Bert relaxes in his newly mended recliner, the report of the court case in on the local TV news. Ruth and David call in to see how Bert and Freda are settling in. David has just heard it all on the radio and here it is on TV – it’s just like being tried all over again …

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