Bert is seeking promotion. Nigel catches up on family history. Lynda finds that bribery works.

Radio Times: Lynda finds she can’t get the staff.

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  • Lynda has called a site meeting in the churchyard to discuss her plans for a wildlife survey. She apportions jobs to Bert and Shula, who, to her annoyance, are both more interested in their picnic than in taking orders from Lynda.
  • Hayley warns Elizabeth that Bert is feeling creatively stifled, and wants to be promoted to tour guide. Meanwhile Hayley is going to celebrate being thirty with an expensive pair of shoes.
  • Nigel is delighted to receive a long reply from his Canadian cousin Lucille, giving him the low-down on his eccentric Great-Uncle Rupert. He pours the details out to Lizzie, who is thankful to be interrupted by Bert, anxious for promotion.
  • Lynda’s maypole rehearsal isn’t going well. Hayley points out that the children are tired, and need bribing. At first Lynda refuses, but after a battle breaks out amongst the dancers, she gives in, and the promise of sweets restores order.

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