Bert wins top prize and Debbie and Simon profess their love.

Radio Times: Some people say it with onions.

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  • An obviously over-stretched Greg has just been torn off a trip by Brian and is sharing gripes with Debbie, who in her turn, is also given a rollicking. She bites her tongue, though, for no.
  • It’s the Flower and Produce show and, Bert, knowing that all of his entries are lost, is not so keen on going along but is dragged tthere by Ruth and Pip because, as a surprise, they’ve entered some of the vegetables he helped grow in their garden and, quelle surprise Pip wins her section and Bert’s onion gets top prize, too!
  • Later, Debbie is still fuming. Simon’s quietly chuffed that he’s causing this outburst, but that pleases her even less. He’s unsurprised at Brian’s reaction to him, but is slightly tickled by the revelations about Brian’s rakish past – so maybe jealousy is the answer? Simon’s determined to win Brian over because it’ll make her happy.