Brenda gets a sympathetic hearing from Brian.

Radio Times: Brenda eats humble pie.

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  • Brenda discusses with Brian her interview with Councillor Chalkman. Radio Borsetshire will be broadcasting an apology. Brian advises her to come to him first if she hears anything more.
  • Ambridge Organics are wrestling with the problem of marketing broad beans. Tom tells Kirsty to expect some recipe leaflets which Pat is preparing.
  • Brenda is relegated to “soft” stories for Radio Borsetshire, like the 100th birthday of Lottie Cromer. The trouble is, there are few people left who knew her well. But there is one: Joe Grundy. Joe spins some unlikely yarns about her two sons, both now dead, and Brenda suggests that he might like to tell some of them on air.
  • Brian discusses with Phil his conversation with Brenda, but is dismissive when Phil asks if there is any foundation for her allegations.
  • Tom tries to recruit Mike to deliver vegetable boxes but it all depends on what money is on offer.

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