Brian has news for Adam and Debbie; Alistair has an unpleasant job to do.

Radio Times: Brian drops a bombshell at Home Farm.

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  • It’s a busy day for Alistair; first of all he has to do the TB tests at Brookfield, then he’s called to Home Farm to see Chandler.
  • David is in relaxed mood about the herd, and Ruth’s looking forward to being in charge of the herd again while Sam goes skiing. She’s even happier when she gets the latest printout from dairy – the butterfat level is up to thanks to the cows’ special high fibre diet.
  • Ruth takes Pip to the sales to cheer her up before school starts. She thinks she ought to ring Kathy about the school run.
  • At Home Farm the knives are out again. Debbie relieves a grumpy Adam in the lambing shed, but he still thinks Debbie isn’t pulling her weight. But their differences are temporarily forgotten when Brian tells them he’s decided to invest £100,000 in another farm in Hungary. They are furious – they can’t get him to spend anything at all on Home Farm. Adam wonders if he’s planning to sell up. They’d be last to know, says Debbie.But the Home Farm truce is short-lived when Adam discovers that Debbie’s going to the Oxford Farming Conference with Brian.
  • Alistair feels it’s time to put Chandler down. They can’t go on giving him vitamin jabs. Alice wants one last day with him, and it’s agreed that. Alistair will come to do the deed on Wednesday. Adam does his best to comfort Alice, and gives her a lamb to hold, but she won’t be consoled.
  • Ruth buys Pip grown up coat in the sales. David is concerned that she has to get her self-esteem from a coat. Pip’s friendship problems are unresolved. When Ruth hears that Kenton has phoned, her thoughts return to Kathy. Looking after Meriel wore her out. Kathy’s illness is all Kenton’s fault.

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