Brian’s got doubts about Simon’s motives and another Eddie money-saving scam.

Radio Times: Eddie wants it under lock and key.

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  • Eddie’s saved some money – by spending less on a knocked off car lock. Clarrie’s not sure that they need it, but there are a lot of thefts in the area. She’d much rather he spend the money on equipment for the dairy to help get the herd’s cell count down, but he wants to wait for Alistair to tell them the results on the blood test. Needles to say, the car lock doesn’t fit the van, but the hammer might remedy that situation …
  • Debbie’s about to head out for lunch when Brian asked her to cover for a sudden absence among the casuals. She’s unhappy with his tone and Jennifer, who’d previously be worried about why they’d disappeared so suddenly at the cinema the other night, would prefer that she try and stop fighting. Debbie wasn’t going to mention it, but tells Jennifer that Brian had come straight out and called Simon a gold-digger and is it any wonder she’s upset?
  • William’s first day at college is tomorrow and he’s preparing for a health and safety with tractors course when Brian calls. He’s noticed a few of the pheasants straying close to Grange Farm land and wants to make sure Greg knows about them. William tells him he’s sure he does. After Brian leaves (having first declined Eddie’s offer of a nearly new car lock for his nearly new Merc!) William’s concerned about the birds. (They are presumably the ones lured there by Eddie’s feed.)
  • Simon wanders up to meet Debbie and, instead, bumps into Brian who’s freeing a ewe trapped in a fence. Brian manages to get Simon to agree that he could quite enjoy the life of a gentleman farmer in such exquisite countryside. Debbie arrives on the scene and quickly finds that Brian had, if not asked him outright, has definitely been fishing for incriminating asides.