Brian’s key day.

Radio Times: Brian’s key day.

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  • Clarrie has had a phone call from William’s school – it seems he has missed more than he has attended. Eddie views it less seriously, and is too busy to go with Clarrie to the school. When she confronts William later he pretends he is about to do his homework and is taken aback when he realises that Clarrie knows he hasn’t been to school. He stands his ground however – he knows what he wants, and school is not for him.
  • Sid visits Eddie while out jogging to tell him that he is not going to pay for the manure until Eddie moves it from the car park to the garden. He is very annoyed and also bars Eddie from the Bull until it is moved.
  • Sid is making more use of Kathy’s new exercise machine than she is – the mirror he has set up ‘keep an eye on his posture’ makes Kathy feel self-conscious about her ‘wobbly bits’.
  • Pat is asking everyone which of the new sample labels they prefer, and one in particular is emerging as a clear favourite. Kate is the only dissenter!
  • Brian has succeeded in getting his way at the board meeting – Matt didn’t cross Brian at all, the leisure complex idea has been dropped, and the board is now considering other ideas including genetically modified crops (which Brian has already begun to try).

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