Christine cannot cope with staying in Ambridge with Clive Horobin in it.

Radio Times: David brings shocking news. Meanwhile, Will and Emma try to find a solution.

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  • Christine has an early visit from David, as arranged, and of course she is very pleased to see him, though she recognises that the reason David gave for coming was just an excuse – and Jim is coming round later, also Jill. To get to the point David explains that Clive Horobin has been released from prison and is now in Felpersham. Though Christine might reasonably expect that he would not be allowed to come to Ambridge, in the light of Ivy’s illness, he is. He has already been and he might well be coming again.
  • William also has an early visitor, also with bad news. Emma has come to tell him that George has stolen Jake’s new fire truck. What is to be done? Emma and Ed have tried to explain how naughty it was. He must give it back and apologise, to Jake and to Nic too because she turned the house upside down looking for it. It will have to wait until tomorrow, so George will have time to think about how such behaviour hurts other people. It has to stop.
  • Even in her worst nightmare, Christine never imagined that Clive would come back to Ambridge. In her book he is a murderer: George’s life must have been shortened by all the stress induced by Clive. But for David he would have killed her and Jill too when he torched the house. David suggests telling the police how she feels about it, so that he is kept away. But he would work out who had made the complaint and she fears what he would do. She can’t stay – not while that man is around.

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