Christopher is more interested in the barmaid than Neetia at the Pony Club Ball

Radio Times: Chris keeps his options open.

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  • Clarrie is very proud of Eddie for giving up alcohol for Lent. But she feels she needs to keep an eye on him. Clarrie lets it slip that Kathy is still talking about reorganising the shop. She isn’t impressed.
  • Eddie is desperate for a drink but Nigel is more interested in playing with the digger Eddie has brought round to dig out the haha.
  • Oliver and Caroine are feeling a little old for the Pony Club Ball. Oliver is also disappointed that Caroline can’t make the Paris show so he decides to take Ed instead as a reward. Maybe Eddie could do the milking – although Caroline isn’t sure he has forgiven Oliver for taking over Grange Farm.
  • Elizabeth is furious for the time Nigel has spent on the digger when he should have been supervising preparations for the Pony Club Ball. And he is filthy. She thinks it’s all because he has given up driving.
  • Eddie admits he has been up to the field to try to get a drink of cider but Clarrie has put a padlock on the door. She isn’t going to let temptation get the better of him when so many people have put their faith in him.
  • The Pony Club Ball goes well although there is quite a bit of drunkeness – even from Neetia. But Christopher isn’t there to pick here up when she falls over – he’s too busy chatting up the barmaid.

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