Clarrie is still worked up that Will has had a bequest but Ed hasn’t.

Radio Times: Clarrie acts in the interests of fair play.

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  • Calving is very busy at Brookfield but mainly with bull calves. Even having a cup of tea is a minefield too with Bert playing the Ancient Mariner over the tractor. Doesn’t look like it’s going to be ready for the competition.
  • Clarrie is still very upset that she heard about the bequest from Nic rather than Will. Eddie is still trying to stop her being critical but it’s not very successful. It seems so strange that only Will has heard anything. Why hasn’t Eddie or Ed heard anything? Clarrie tries to find out what Ed knows but Eddie very firmly shuts her up. She is determined to find out what is going on though – even if it means ringing cousin Ralph.
  • David and Ruth escape to the Bull but they can’t get away from Bert who also turns up. He doesn’t understand why the tractor engineer’s daughter’s wedding is more important than the tractor. Fallon is showing off that she’s in charge on the day of the Cup Final. She’s sure she’ll cope. Ed turns up to apologise for standing her up the other night but Fallon makes out she isn’t bothered. Then Kirsty rings to say she can’t work on Village Cup day but Ed offers to fill in….

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