Darrell reaches rock bottom. Rosa is reduced to tears.

Radio Times: Rosa has an unwelcome visitor and Kenton has to take a stand.

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  • Rosa arrives for work in pouring rain, bemoaning her lack of a car. She asks Ed about the new Grundy baby, but he avoids the subject my saying that Emma and George have been to see her.
  • Kenton and Jolene have bought their wedding rings, and Jolene insists on taking a look despite the rain. They are both hugely excited about the big day, though Kenton’s choice of Charles Aznavour for the bride’s entrance meets with distinctly qualified approval.
  • As Rosa settles down to work at the bottling plant, Darrell comes in. He has brought some money for Elona. Rosa becomes very upset, and tells Darrell he smells and looks like a seedy old tramp. He is only in Ambridge so that he can cadge drinks at The Bull. Upset, Darrell leaves and Rosa dissolves into tears.
  • A visit from someone from the local authority leaves Joe confused and depressed. All Ed’s efforts to cheer him up with talk of the cows are in vain. Joe wants Ed to shake hands with Will and buy him a drink now that they both have daughters. He doesn’t want to go to his grave with them at each other’s throats.
  • Oliver finds Rosa in tears, and tries to talk her round. Rosa knows she should not have spoken as she did, but he always lets them down; just when they settle and build their lives he does something wrong and they have to move again. Darrell just expects them to forgive and make excuses for him.
  • At The Bull Kenton and Jolene explore further possibilities for wedding music. Oliver calls in to wait for Caroline, then Ed arrives and when asked about the baby says yet again that Emma and George have seen her. They all have a laugh over memories of Eddie’s famous painting cow, also called Poppy, but Darrell, who is in the corner, thinks they are laughing at him, and becomes aggressive. Kenton does his best to calm things down, but Darrell storms out.

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