David agrees Ruth should take over the herd. Helen pours her heart out to Mike and he persuades her to talk to her parents.

Radio Times: Mike hears a different side to the story.

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  • News of Susan’s success has spread round the village. She is somewhere between ecstatic and transported apparently. David takes the chance of seeing his Dad alone to ask him if he thinks Ruth should take over the herd. Phil is surprised he is even asking. It’s the obvious solution. David is a little taken aback. Phil tells Jill he thinks it is a good sign. Jill isn’t so sure.
  • Helen goes to visit Mike. He’s still suffering. And she confesses. He is furious with her. He’s even more furious when he finds out Brenda knows. She gets hysterical and Mike tries to calm her down. She pours her heart out and he doesn’t know what to say. But he tries to understand. He knows how it was to lose Betty but at least they’d had some time together. Not like Helen and Greg, or even John. He suggests she tries to contact the clinic again and tries to persuade her to tell her parents.
  • When Ruth starts talking about the herd, David shows some more enthusiasm and tells her he thinks she should take over. Ruth is thrilled but a bit disappointed when he says it would make good business sense.

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