David reaches his decision about Brookfield, but what of the consequences? Roy hears news he hoped he would never receive.

Radio Times: David embarks on a quest, while Hayley makes a decision.

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  • David and Jill believe that they have struck gold, finding the new owner of the toy farm. Unfortunately, it’s the right woman, but the wrong toy. Amidst many apologies, David finds the door slammed in his face, marking the end of his dreams. Jill, as we all know, is made of stronger stuff. The search is not over yet.
  • At the jumble sale, Susan believes that the rest of the sale stock was taken to a charity shop for disposal. However, she recalls vaguely that Kathy just may have seen a toy set thrown in a bin as unsalable. David starts a mad search and moments later uncovers buried treasure. Piece by piece the farm reappears, along with a note written by Phil … “Happy birthday David”.
  • Susan meets Haley visiting Willow Farm and assails her with all of the village gossip. Eventually the conversation turns to Roy with Susan being her tenacious and probing self. Haley is only saved by Roy answering the door and inviting her in. Susan can’t believe what she has just witnessed.
  • David has spent some time piecing his toy farm together. He tells Jill that he heard his father’s voice the other day and she replies that she always does, and that she often answers back. It is quite clear though, that the business of the toy farm is only secondary to the main event, the sale of Brookfield.
  • Roy clears a space for Hayley, feeling and hoping that she is ready to come back for good, but he rushes so many fences. She has thought long and hard about their situation and she feels that she can’t come back. There’s no happy ending, she wants a divorce.
  • David tells Jill that he can’t believe that it’s taken so long for him to see the personal folly of his decision to sell. Brookfield isn’t some sort of profit centre or a cash cow (forgive the pun) as a result of the sale to Justin Elliott. It’s Brookfield that made him; he just couldn’t see life without it. Jill’s so relieved that he has finally found his answers, but as David says, “How to tell Ruth”?

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