Debbie and Kate discuss the future and Janet meets the Bishop to explain her position over Tim

Radio Times: The Bishop is concerned.

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  • Debbie tries to explain to Kate about Roy’s feelings and Phoebe and how it may not be good for her to be away from everyone she knows. Jennifer, Roy and Hayley, Betty and Mike will also have views. Jennifer is bound to be worried about losing Kate forever.
  • Eddie and Lucas compare Ambridge and South Africa – however bad the buses are, at least there are some in Johannesburg. Eddie thought Lucas might still be wearing his robes but Lucas says only for special occasions. Eddie complains about being thrown off his farm and says Brian can explain.
  • Debbie reminds Kate it is impossible for her to please everyone. In particular, it will be harder for Lucas to keep in touch with Nollie from South Africa than for Kate to keep in touch with Phoebe in Ambridge.
  • No sign of Clarrie’s ring yet. Eddie was introduced to the new neighbours – Nick and Venetia. Clarrie is not keen on “stuck up neighbours”. She thinks Eddie might be able to help…
  • Bishop Cyril tells Janet that he has received an anonymous letter from a parishioner alleging a relationship with Dr Hathaway. Janet can’t totally deny it and while Janet doesn’t deny an attraction to Tim she affirms that “nothing happened”. The Valentine’s card is a problem and the Bishop is concerned that rumours are circulating. Janet’s attempts to withdraw from Tim seem a little late but he believes her when she says nothing happens and while she was wrong, he trusts her. She should turn to the Church for support. Janet recognises that she needs to be clear with Tim, but the Bishop is more concerned about her Ministry. She doesn’t want to go and the Bishop wants her to stay. He asks her to think about what needs to be done and to contact her – she shouldn’t feel lonely. Janet says it wasn’t loneliness, just plain stupidity.

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