Dross meet in the Bull garden and talk about nothing; The Aldridges dine at Grey Gables and do pretty much the same.

Radio Times: The Aldridges unite.

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  • Debbie and Simon have arrived early at Grey Gables for the Aldridge family dinner. Simon is relaxed but Debbie seems agitated that the others have not yet arrived. Jack arrives, with inane conversation about rattling around the Lodge without Peggy. Brian shows, and everyone goes through to dinner.
  • Ed and Fallon are in the garden at the Bull, Ed having sneaked in a can of lager. They talk about the band – Ed is adamant that Fallon does NOT look for a replacement singer at college. He is paranoid that the whole thing will be turned into a college band, and that he will also be chucked out. Jazzer arrives. He is having a better day – not dropping anything and less forgetful. Ed talks about a new bull which Oliver is getting, much to the sarcastic volley from Fallon and Jazzer, though Ed hopes he may be able to get some work from Oliver.
  • The jolly gathering at Grey Gables is, well…., jolly. Brian has bought Jenny a new computer for her website development of the Ambridge Archive with Usha, and Jenny and Alice are off shopping tomorrow. Jenny is delighted that Kate, though so far away, will be able to look at her website. Brian gushes on about how distance is not important, and what a strong family they are. Fine words Brian – what’s around the corner I wonder…..?

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