Ed and family avoid Clive. Jim helps Christine to avoid Clive. Ruth can’t avoid recognising jealousy when she sees it.

Radio Times: Ed and Emma go into hiding and Christine has a narrow escape.

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  • Ed, Emma and the children head off to Haybury to watch the ploughing match. Emma is tense and anxious; she still thinks George might follow in Clive’s footsteps.
  • A grateful Christine watches Jim dig her garden. He is pleased that Lynda wants his Roman poem in her Christmas show, though knows full well that he had little competition. The prospect of Angela Probert and her children’s dance troupe fills him with dread. But will the poem be delivered in Latin or English? Even Christine must wait to find out.
  • George loves watching the ploughing, and Bert takes time to explain it all to him. David and Ruth have come to watch Bert, and George is keen to tell them about Nic and Will until Ed diplomatically changes the subject.
  • After his exertions in the garden, Jim wants to take Christine to lunch at The Bull, but she will only go if she pays this time. They set off, but encounter Clive heading for the shop. This terrifies Christine, even when Jim points out that Clive clearly doesn’t want to meet Christine any more than she wants to meet him. Lunch is cancelled and they head home.
  • Bert comes second, and George goes to ask if he can have a ride on Bert’s tractor. David wonders why Emma looks so uptight. An unusually perceptive Ruth says Emma is fine as long as she is the centre of attention. But for the next few months someone else will be, and Emma is not pleased.

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