Ed reluctantly agrees to delay sending the new calf for slaughter. Jazzer reluctantly agrees to enter the talent competition.

Radio Times: Tony is given cause for optimism.

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  • Ed’s patience is wearing thin: Vicky has yet to come up with an alternative solution to the issue of the unwanted bull calf and Mike pleads for another couple of days, until after the weekend. Jazzer joins them to discuss the milk business but Brenda is delayed. Their drive for new customers has yielded less than two hundred, about half the target. Harry, the new roundsman will start on April 12th and will shadow Jazzer for the first week. They will need to knock on more doors over Easter, though Jazzer is not keen; get the new boy to do it.
  • In The Bull, Fallon has Tom for company. Intrigued by the deep conversation between Kate and Brian yesterday, she wonders when (maybe she means if) Kate is going home. Tom reports that she has gone. Tony is next to arrive in a mood to celebrate: he is so pleased about the delay to Helen’s baby plan. Then come the milk boys with a very tired Brenda, who doesn’t stay. Jazzer is persuaded, with money and the promise of Fallon to accompany him, to enter the talent competition; whether Ambridge is ready for the song he has chosen to sing remains to be seen.

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