Eddie gets his come-uppance and Jamie accepts his mother’s advice.

Radio Times: Eddie faces a grilling and Rosa offers career advice.

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  • Eddie has a date with Radio Borsetshire, though Joe warns him that Wayne Foley is no fool. Joe plans to drop in next door: he knows that Kathy has been baking. Over a scone or three, Kathy shares her misgivings about Rosa giving Jamie the wrong messages about his future.
  • Meanwhile Jamie is hanging out with the afore-mentioned Rosa, who is indeed giving him the wrong messages. Natalie has ignored all Jamie’s texts; Rosa reveals that she too has sent a text to Nat.
  • In the RB hot seat, Eddie is lured into giving rather more detail about ‘The Beast’ than was wise and Wayne Foley sees through his statue as an aggregation of three different animals. Admit it Eddie, it’s a wind-up; tell the burgers of Ambridge that it is safe to go back into the woods.
  • Back from meeting Rosa, Jamie learns that his mum knows about Natalie – and who told her. He feels he doesn’t need more study and he certainly doesn’t a £40k student loan to repay. Kathy advises him to keep his options open and ensure that he is as competitive as possible in a difficult job market. Jamie gives in: he will go back to college next year. Blimey, that was easy!
  • When he gets back home, Eddie gets the ‘told you so’ treatment from Joe, who reports two phone calls – one from a customer who wants his money back and one from the Loch Ness Monster, which sounded very fierce and very Scottish. No prizes for working out who that was! Eddie despairs; he won’t be able to show his face in the village again.

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