Fallon is concerned about Harry having to put up with Jazzer after discovering the state of Jazzer’s bedroom.

Radio Times: Kenton thinks he’s blown it and Harry’s feeling the strain.

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  • Harry can’t find a mug to use. Jazzer will return them from his room as soon as he gets back from buying a pie to fill in for last night’s leftover chips that Harry binned, denying Jazzer his butty.
  • Kenton tells Kirsty of his Jamie and Holly woes caused by his “just a customer” white lie. Jamie isn’t returning Kenton’s calls or texts. Kenton learns Fallon talked to him yesterday but there is no sign of him around the village. Kenton feels he had a real chance to help with Jamie only to blow it.
  • Harry helps Fallon plan Halloween, vampire fancy dress, and Bonfire Night, remarking she would make a great Kristen Stewart, she seems flattered.
  • Peggy continues her Internet search for her wartime GI Conn Kortchmar, with whom she won a jitterbug prize.
  • Fallon finds Jazzer’s room looking like a tip and smelling of swine and is unimpressed with his few wee pinups behind the door. True gentleman that he is, he covers them with his coat. Harry arrives and while Jazzer takes the week’s accumulated washing-up to the kitchen she asks Harry if he is sure it is going to work. Harry is still up-beat; once they’re used to each other’s routine they will get along fine.

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