Freddie makes plain his feelings about Roy. Johnny demonstrates his skills. Mike gives Jazzer some worrying news.

Radio Times: Freddie confronts Elizabeth, and there is much to learn at Bridge Farm.

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  • Home from school, Freddie erupts in anger at his mother. He has discussed what is going on with Lily, who shares his view. He accuses Elizabeth of not listening and forgetting Nigel, which she strongly refutes, but there is worse to come. In Freddy and Lily’s eyes Roy is a Hobbit, and they hate the way he struts about, carrying on with Elizabeth behind Hayley’s back. Elizabeth can find little to say.
  • Johnny is anxious to help on the farm, so Tony finds a pair of Tom’s old overalls and some boots for him, and they prepare to drive the herd and Otto to fresh pasture.
  • As more customers cancel their milk orders, Mike is not in a happy frame of mind. Jazzer likes the rented van so much he thinks Mike should buy it when the insurance money comes through. Well, says Mike, I probably won’t be here much longer. An incredulous Jazzer hears about Vicky’s plan to move them all to Birmingham, and to sell both the business and the house. Since Mike has told neither Ed nor Rosa yet, Jazzer is sworn to secrecy.
  • Johnny tells Tony how much he likes working outdoors. He hates school because his reading is poor and he gets teased, but Sharon insists that he must go to college. Tony tells him he found school a slog, too, but it was worth it in the end.
  • Eddie arrives to help Tony, and they start to drive the cows. Otto refuses to go through a gate, causing the cows to back up, and as they look at sorting the problem out, Jazzer roars up on his motorbike, causing a stampede. When clam is restored, Tony is horrified to find Johnny talking gently to Otto, encouraging him into the field. Tony is relieved that no harm has come to Johnny. Jazzer takes Johnny off to look at a sow with a torn ear, leaving Eddie to say that the boy is a natural stockman.

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