Freddie’s arrest means Lower Loxley has had their alcohol licence suspended.

Radio Times: Rex faces some awkward questions

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  • Robin meets Toby for a chance to spend some time with Rosie. He clearly isn’t very good with babies. He says he is taking Rex to lunch at Grey Gables. Toby is pleased but then Robin says it is only because they have some sort of Monday deal. Robin thinks he’ll drop in to see Elizabeth but Toby doesn’t think that’s a great idea. Robin has heard about Freddie. Toby is quite anxious about being a witness. He could have been arrested too.
  • Rex arrives and says he really wants to talk to Robin more about the pig business. Robin makes it clear that he isn’t interested. How are a few pigs going to make him rich? Robin also thinks he treated Anisha badly – an intelligent girl who he just dumped. He just keeps ignoring everything Rex says.
  • Elizabeth is still in a state about Freddie. She needs to drop off his new phone. Usha has said she is adamant that Freddie still won’t tell the truth but she is pretending all he is up for is a fine. Then Kate turns up furious that Freddie nearly killed her daughter. Kate has a tantrum but is surprised to hear that Nolly was involved in trading magic mushrooms and doesn’t really believe it. She says she is going to the police but Elizabeth persuades her not to. But Freddie must never contact Nolly again and his trip to South Africa is definitely off.
  • Robin tells Toby how dull his lunch was and then is surprised that after dropping in on Brian, he wasn’t interested in a wine deal. Toby then says that David was almost friendly to him. Robin is obviously claiming all the credit for it and wanting Toby to return the favour.
  • The final straw is that the police have told the Licensing Authority about Freddie’s arrest and Lower Loxley’s alcohol licence has been suspended. If they can’t get their licence back it will be a complete disaster.

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