George’s funeral goes well. And Alan is taking Usha for a spin on his bike!

Radio Times: Ambridge says goodbye to an old friend.

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  • As usual, Shula has left Jill to make all the arrangements for the funeral. Instead she’s listening to Ruth explain that Josh is a disruptive influence in class. Maybe it’s because they are paying so much attention to Pip. She’s no better at school but she does seem to be enjoying the drama class.
  • Christine is preparing for the funeral. She always thought she’d be the first to go. George was as fit as a flea. Terry and Peter have both been wonderful. She doesn’t know how she would have managed without them.
  • Phil reminisces how upset they all were when Christine decided to marry George. It just goes to show how wrong they all were. Will meantime is very nervous about his speech. But it goes well of course. Christine copes but she really now feels she doesn’t want to move into the new bungalow. They’d planned it together. But of course she can stay on at Woodbine Cottage where there are memories.
  • Shula is surprised Bruno has been asked to join the football team to replace Christopher since Caroline is finding him such “a challenge”. But that doesn’t mean he can’t play football. Alan passed his bike test. He’s already taken Amy out and is taking Usha for a spin tomorrow.

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