Hayley explodes when Roy turns down the idea of sharing a rented house with Brenda.

Radio Times: Joe tries an inventive recipe.

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  • Eddie is rummaging in Clarrie’s drawers: Joe needs something to strain his sloe gin.
  • Nigel is schooling Hayley in the finer points of poker but discovers that she is already quite well schooled – and she has work to do, not to mention a chat with Brenda who has called at Lower Loxley with an idea.
  • A pair of Clarrie’s tights (brand new, mind you) is just the job for straining the sloe gin but, since they end up stained purple they are whisked away when Clarrie returns early. At least she approves of the taste.
  • On the Green, Brenda and Hayley put their idea to Roy: since they are all keen to get away from Willow Farm, why not rent a place together; that would make it more affordable all round. The annual coordinated switch-on of the Christmas lights puts the discussion on hold. Eddie has other things on his mind: washing the tights has only spread the colour. Joe’s (gin assisted) advice is to put them back in the drawer and say nothing.
  • Roy is not so enthusiastic about the housing idea; it might not be so easy and even if they do find somewhere suitable, why waste money on rent when they should be saving up to buy their own house. Besides, Mum and Dad are looking forward to having Phoebe there at Christmas. That, for Hayley, is the last straw. So, Roy has decided that they will be at Willow Farm for Christmas; he has not thought to consult Hayley on whether, for example, she might like to go to her parents. Well, she has had enough; they can stay for Christmas, they can stay for ever, she doesn’t care.

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