Helen’s returning to the clinic tomorrow for treatment. Fallon fixes single-wicket play for Harry.

Radio Times: Helen takes a significant baby step, and single-minded Fallon sets her sights on Harry.

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  • Fallon’s pleased to see Harry. She suggests the single wicket competition but he wonders if it’s open to non-residents. She gets Alistair to agree temporary residency counts and invites Harry to stay for a couple of nights over the bank holiday weekend so he’s eligible for the competition. Mike pulls her leg afterwards, boudoir, etc., and wonders what Jazzer will think.
  • Brenda left at six for work, not knowing what the traffic to Leicester would be like. She’ll arrive home about 8pm by the sound of it. Her project is to promote a new energy drink.
  • Helen received an injection at the clinic today to help stimulate ovulation. She returns tomorrow, with Pat, and tells Tom that it all happening quickly is clearly a sign it was meant to be. In nine months’ tomorrow it’s very likely she’ll be a mum!

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