Helen tries to convince Pat to give Tom a fair hearing.

Radio Times: Chris feels he has a lot on his mind, while Helen exercises her powers of persuasion.

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  • Helen is getting a bit concerned about the veg boxes. There isn’t much left and they might need to buy some in. Tony starts talking about Tom and saying how upset Pat is about it. Helen says it must make Tom feel like the enemy. Tony is still very concerned about the impact of the suggestion to remove the cows. Helen tries to explain that she believes is really trying to do the best for the farm. It’s not just his personal ambition. If Tom thinks the way to success is selling the herd then they should consider carefully what he is saying.
  • Chris is getting a bit stir crazy with being stuck at home. Alice tries to stop him pestering Ronnie on a Bank Holiday or trying to call his clients. In the end she gives up and at least agrees to go through his invoices with him. She keeps trying to cheer him up but Chris is still clearly unsure.
  • Helen has been bullied by Emma into ringing Jonathan for a date. Jonathan has postponed though which doesn’t do much for Helen’s confidence.
  • Over lunch, Helen tries calmly to explain to Pat about Tom’s proposals. Pat still wants to snap. But Helen says she is beginning to see Tom’s point of view. They are trying to do too much. Pat thinks they are coping but Helen thinks they need to focus. Helen repeats that they have to stop behaving as if Tom Archer’s and Ambridge Organics are separate businesses. They are both needed. Pat still thinks the cows are the key but Helen says she has to stop letting emotions get in the way.

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