Jazzer lands a shearing job and is recruited as a spy – for Clarrie.

Radio Times: Jazzer delivers good news, and Christine keeps her ideas to herself.

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  • There are three hundred sheep in Warwickshire waiting for attention from Ed and Jazzer; the farmer has been let down by his shearers. Ed is not best pleased that Jazzer has accepted the job without consultation; when he discovers that they have to find their own catcher, Ed is for turning it down. Relax – Jazzer will sort it.
  • Emma is less enthusiastic about her own new job at Peggy’s, because the work varies from day to day. The other thing on her mind is that George was praying again at breakfast. Ed thinks it’s just a phase. What really irritates Emma is that Nic took George to church without consulting her; it pleased Clarrie and earned Nic some ‘perfect daughter-in-law’ points. Ed suggests that she stops whingeing and does something about that.
  • Jazzer has a visit from Clarrie who has a spying job for him; she needs to know the details of Christine’s arrangement. Jazzer craftily agrees to discuss it over lunch, after which a chance meeting with Jamie provides an opportunity to recruit a sheep catcher – but for no money; Jamie is having none of that. Emma calls by to ask if she can help Clarrie with church flowers on Friday; she can, though Nic will be there too.
  • Jamie next meets Ed, moving his cows in the lane. He suggests that Ed and Jazzer should sort out their employment practice before offering jobs.
  • Jazzer manages to get himself invited to tea at Christine’s but it does him no good. Christine is keeping the Grange Spinney virgin securely under her hat; Jim has been told off for leaking details so he is now sworn to secrecy.

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