Jazzer shows limited enthusiasm for church-going. Ed shows great enthusiasm for his new job.

Radio Times: Jazzer gets a spiritual side.

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  • Alan’s brainwave for the church window fund-raising is even more successful than he imagined. The church is packed for harvest festival; even Joe and Jazzer have come along. Alan’s worried that they’ll run out of fivers, so has to borrow from the churchwardens and the collection.
  • Joe is very proud of Ed’s promotion to herd manager, but Ed doesn’t seem to want anyone to know about it. He plucks up courage to ask Oliver what shifts Neil will be working. Oliver tells him that he’s told Neil he’s not needed now, and that Neil was pleased to have more time for his pigs. Ed doesn’t sound totally convinced.
  • Jazzer is disgruntled when he discovers that there are no free £20 notes being handed out for church attendance, just fivers to be used to make more money, so he refuses to take one. Joe takes his, however, and claims he’s got a brilliant fund-raising idea. Alan diplomatically thanks Jazzer for showing support.
  • Oliver treats Ed to lunch at the Bull, and they discuss the herd and various farm improvements very happily. Ed’s interested in hearing about Mike’s course, and says the counsellor was delighted to hear about his fulltime job. Oliver offers him the day off on his birthday, but Ed refuses; he wants to come in to work.

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