Jennifer and Lillian are not getting on and Clarrie is worried about Edward.

Radio Times: Joe hits the air waves.

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  • Clarrie and Eddie – he’s thinking about making money from making concrete ornaments. Clarrie says that Eddie should take Edward right up to the door of the school for his maths exam and then take Joe to his radio interview.
  • Jennifer and Lillian – Lillian has decided to stay in Ambridge for the summer – they talk of the land development and the cost to the environment, Brenda Tucker and Jolene. Scott is at a life class… Jennifer mentions the rumours and the line dancing the other night – Susan and Linda had been genuinely shocked. Brazen hussy says Jennifer to which Lillian replies that Jennifer is “deeply repressed” – Jennifer tells Lillian to restrain herself – Lillian stomps off.
  • Brenda and Joe are at the radio station preparing for the interview.
  • Clarrie and Eddie: have sent off for a catalogue of moulds, they can be re-used, so make even more money – possibly classical figures and gnomes. Jo is being interviewed on the radio about old times and stories from then – much laughter – in “Country Tales from the Good Old Days” – maybe Joe should become back with more of his “jottings” – he is a natural says the interviewer. Clarrie and Eddie listen to the broadcast.
  • Clarrie is depressed about Edward who has bunked off his maths exam. Working for Oliver is not what she wants for him – but Eddie says he’s bright and taking exams never suited him either. Clarrie is very worried about what is going to happen to him…

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