Jennifer’s not facing up to the reality of Kate’s continued absence and Sid’s playing with fire.

Radio Times: Rodeo Ross, here we come.

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  • Clarrie’s in to check her hours at the Bull and doesn’t seem herself. Kathy’s heard that Eddie was spotted in The Cat with Jolene and wonders whether two and two make four? Sid doesn’t think that Jolene would waste her time with Eddie.
  • Jennifer’s looking after Phoebe and is really enjoying it, convinced that Home Farm is a much better place for the child to spend time than couped up at the Tuckers. She’s also convinced herself that Kate will be back soon, but Brian (and Roy) are much more sceptical.
  • Jolene’s running a line-dancing class at the Bull and even manages to get Kathy to persuade Sid to take part. He’s doing such a good job (and Kathy’s not interested in it herself) that when Jolene mentions that she’s a couple of tickets for a show in a couple of weeks by a pro (called Rodeo Ross) that Kathy virtually forces Sid to say he’ll go with Jolene! Kathy’s glad, she thinks that Sid’s too obsessed with the gym that another interest will be healthy …