Jenny has a significant birthday; Caroline and Oliver make an unpleasant discovery.

Radio Times: Caroline gets a nasty shock.

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  • Caroline gives Lynda her instructions for the day – though Lynda’s mind is more focused on the review of her play in the Echo. Oliver is somewhat reticent about Lilian’s party , but luckily for him, Caroline’s mind is on the new foster child’s arrival; it’s the first time they’ve had a boy to stay, and Caroline wants it to be right.
  • Jennifer is 60 today, but she’s not keen to broadcast the fact. Brian has bought tickets for the Paris show to celebrate. Nolly has sent a hand-painted card, and she’s had lots more besides. Lilian rang early, boasting of her romantic night with Matt and the hot tub. Neither Adam nor Jenny can bear to think about the details.
  • Brian is disparaging about the arrangements for Chandler’s burial, but recognises how determined Alice was over it, and takes her part. He’ll get the plot properly fenced off and plant some trees. He accuses Adam of being unsympathetic when he points out its value as arable land.
  • David’s looking after Josh while Ruth goes to the NFU lunch with Adam. Adam’s still sore about not being invited to the Oxford conference; he feels that Brian and Debbie are plotting behind his back; Debbie has been very cheerful since they got back.
  • The foster child disappears to his bedroom as soon as he arrives. Apparently he remembers living in the country when he was small, so Oliver suggests asking if he wants to go and look at the cattle while Caroline sorts out the paperwork with the Social Worker. As they go through the details, Caroline discovers to her horror, that the boy is none other than Snatch Foster’s son.

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