Jolene and Kenton get to Monte Carlo. David is still blaming himself for the milk yield.

Radio Times: Kenton and Jolene find the perfect hideaway. Meanwhile, George is being indulged.

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  • After a few last minute panics, Jolene and Kenton get off to Monte Carlo. Jolene is delighted with the room. It seems she can never have stayed in a hotel before from her excitement at the shower! Kenton appeared interested in a repeat of the shower scene, but fortunately, Jolene sends him off to find a magazine. He thinks it’s so she can sneak a fag in their non smoking room. She claims not to have had a craving since leaving home, but will need to have her mind taken off it….
  • George is being spoilt by William over Easter. He tries not to be mean about the baby or Emma but manages to get in a few grumbles.
  • Jill is setting up a new bee hive with Josh. She has been to the dawn service on Lakey Hill but she finds it exhausting these days. Later she has a chat with Ruth. David is still very down about the milk yields, but they’ll just have to feed more concentrate and hope for the best. They listen to Gardener’s Question Time together. Joe is certainly not going to be a popular person in the village for a while!

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