Jolene’s secret is out but Matt continues to play his cards close to his chest.

Radio Times: Sid has some words of wisdom.

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  • William and George have their work cut out: not only has the estate ploughed the neighbouring field but fly-tippers have made a hole in the hedge. William is not spending much time these days with his new wife. He is less than delighted to receive a visit from Matt Crawford who has some ‘important’ associates coming to the next shoot so it had better be good – no pressure!
  • Joe needs to use a computer: he must do some research to help his performance because Lynda was not pleased with last night’s effort.
  • Matt is becoming quite a regular in The Bull: home is not comfortable just now. When Lilian joins him she immediately compliments Jolene on her face job. So the secret is out. Matt is amused; he doesn’t want his flower money back: it was worth it to see Jolene go so red. Joe is not so forgiving: he gave his hard-earned cash to Kenton for flowers and now his faith in human nature is shaken; will he ever be able to drink in The Bull again? When Jolene has held his hand and asked for forgiveness (and offered a drink or two on the house) his stone heart softens, and he has to admit that her eyes look nice.
  • It’s William’s turn to get the meal this evening but Emma, knowing how important is this first season for him, has got everything in hand.
  • Lilian manages to extract from Matt that the divorce petition has not come yet but he is clearly not in a mood to disclose any more, so she leaves him to relax; he should get in touch when he can. Matt unburdens himself to Sid, who understands the financial pressures of a divorce. It’s not just Yvette who is after his assets. Sid is sure that Mrs Bellamy only means to help but advises that Matt must try to hide his money – from both women if need be.

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