Kathy is struggling with Jamie who is necessarily missing out on Jill’s birthday party.

Radio Times: Things take a surprising turn for Jill, and Pat offers a shoulder to cry on.

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  • Kathy is hopeful that Josh might know who else was involved with Jamie in vandalising the hide, but no – Ruth has already asked him; they have not been together much lately: the age gap is starting to tell.
  • In Bath, where Jill’s children have taken her for the weekend as an 80th birthday treat, Kenton confides in his twin that he misses Jamie; he feels he cannot make contact now for fear of undermining Kathy, or being accused of it.
  • Kathy lays out her problems to Pat and gets some moral support. She lets Pat in on the secret that Jamie and an unnamed other were responsible for the graffiti; maybe she should have told Sid – a telling off from him might have nipped the problems in the bud.
  • As she is deftly steered towards the restaurant, Jill expresses her concern about Kenton; even at 80 a mum still worries. A surprise awaits: the rest of the family have driven down to join her for lunch, Ruth and the boys, Nigel and the twins and Alistair and Daniel, Pip and Christine. She is really, really happy.

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