Kirsty rescues Roy from an unwanted approach and Jennifer recognises Stefan.

Radio Times: It gets awkward at Willow Farm, and Jennifer’s memory is jogged.

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  • As Roy relaxes after taking Phoebe back to Oxford, a visitor arrives; Tracy Horrobin plus a bottle of wine. Despite all Roy’s protestations, she insists on coming in and opening the bottle, insisting that he must be lonely. Roy takes his drinking steadily, but a flushed Tracy soon turns the conversation to the deep feelings they have for one another. To Roy’s immense relief, and Tracy’s fury, Kirsty comes in from work.
  • Jennifer and Lilian head to Lower Loxley where Elizabeth is hosting a jewellery fair. En route, Lilian calls in on some new Amside tenants, and Jennifer is sure she recognises a man looking out of the window.
  • Roy gratefully engages Kirsty in small talk, and Tracy finally takes the hint and leaves, making it clear that she resents Kirsty’s intrusion. Kirsty admits to Roy that she is finding it hard keeping news of her baby quiet; she is sure people are looking at her. Roy does his best to reassure her
  • Lilian browses the jewellery, sure that Justin will pay for her purchase, but ends up not buying anything, unlike her sister. Suddenly Jennifer has a moment of realisation; the man was Stefan. She tells Lilian about the meeting she and David had with him about the culvert, but seems unusually reluctant to attribute the deed to Rob. She and David felt it best to leave any action to Charlie. Since Charlie took no action, Stefan must have been wrong. Mmmm… wait and see, Jennifer.

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