Knowing of Lilian’s affair, Matt gives her a hard time; he doesn’t trust her any more.

Radio Times: Matt asks some difficult questions, and Peggy sets the cat among the pigeons.

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  • Like a terrier with a bone, Matt is intent on extracting news of Lilian’s ‘visit to James’ on Friday; getting nothing but evasion he mischievously threatens to ring James. He admits that he has never got on with James but is prepared to make the effort for Lilian’s sake. When the phone rings, his suspicions are aroused but it turns out to be Alice – really, it is. She invites Lilian to go riding. When Matt returns later and finds her note “gone for a ride” he doesn’t believe it.
  • At Bridge Farm, one of the cows is giving concern: she is about to calve but something is amiss, so the call goes out to Alistair. With his help the calf is born and there follows a race to get her breathing. She is ok.
  • On the ride there is a problem. Lilian’s mount Domino picks up a spike, so again the call goes out to Alistair. Not knowing how long it will take, Lilian rings Matt; he doesn’t believe her story and is abrupt with her. However, when Alice accompanies her home he realises that the emergency was genuine and he switches into kind and caring mode, offering to fix some lunch.

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