Lilian feels rejected. Helen feels rejected.

Radio Times: Helen’s insecurities come to the fore.

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  • At last the day for Lilian to visit Matt comes round, but it’s not at all what she hoped for. Matt avoids physical contact and criticises the way she’s dressed, telling her to leave the bling and cashmere at home next time. He’s grateful for he money and jumpers she’s brought, but is otherwise uncommunicative and distant.
  • Kirsty arrives at the shop with a major hangover. She tells Helen that she and the girls ended up at Leon’s bar, where he was very attentive all evening. Helen seems to freeze, especially when Kirsty keeps saying she should have come with them.
  • Lilian buys Matt coffee and a bar of chocolate, which he appreciates. Lilian’s longing to know the details of prison life, but Matt is restrained in his answers. All he’ll say is that he’ll be glad when he’s assigned to some sort of work, to help pass the time, and that there is a possibility of being released early with an electronic tag. Before visiting time is up, he tells Lilian she should leave, and explains how to arrange another visit in two weeks time. He tells her he intends just to serve his time and get out.
  • As Helen and Kirsty stack the Christmas stock, Leon rings to cancel his weekend date with Helen. He turns on the charm, but she’s clearly tense.
  • Lilian calls at the Bull to tell Jolene how awful the visit was. Jolene offers what comfort she can, but Lilian is afraid Matt will crack under the strain.

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