Lilian’s confidence is tested. Helen’s hospitality is tested.

Radio Times: Lilian gets the feeling that she’s not alone.

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  • There are signs of strain in Helen’s flat. Annette doesn’t share Helen’s tidiness, and is put out when Helen tells her she’s helping in the dairy this morning. There’s a parish walk this afternoon, but it doesn’t seem to appeal to Annette, though she does offer to clear up the kitchen.
  • Jennifer has persuaded Lilian to some retail therapy in Felpersham, while Brian and Matt have a round of golf. Lilian is very edgy when a car follows them very closely, but Jennifer makes light of this, and of Lilian’s fears about going riding alone after her fall. She realises matters are serious when Lilian refuses to go to the point-to-point.
  • It’s a busy working day at Bridge Farm, and Tom is bringing the arks over from Home Farm. When Helen arrives and asks about borrowing her parents’ camping wardrobe for Annette, Tony goes off into one of his rants. Annette is abusing Helen’s hospitality. He’s all for ringing Michelle in France, but Pat calms him down, pointing out that they have brought Helen up to be hospitable. Anyway, Helen will soon tire of having Annette there; she likes her own space.
  • Lilian enjoys her shopping, until they come back to the car. There, on the back seat, is the riding crop she lost after her fall. She knows that Chalkman is behind it. Lilian rings Matt, who tells her to come straight home. Lilian’s all for ringing the police, but Matt refuses to let her do this.
  • Helen is not pleased to find that Annette hasn’t washed up. Annette has another momentary sulk when Helen tells her that she’s going out with Kirsty and Anya – but she invites Annette to Bridge Farm on her birthday. Annette asks whether Tom will be there. He will, so she accepts.

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