Lizzie and David are still furious with each other and Phil’s not worked out any solutions.

Radio Times: Clarrie is in a flap.

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  • Nigel and Lizzie are sorting out problems with sign-posting, although Lizzie’s mind is still fuming at David. She’ll wait for him to apologise first – meanwhile she’s decided that he and Ruth aren’t fit to be two of the twins’ god-parents, she asks Debbie and Simon to step into the breach (which they’re happy to). Spineless Nigel doesn’t feel up to attacking this decision.
  • Shula and Alistair have met with the social services for “counselling” ahead of the adoption. Daniel’s been feeling a little off colour, but it’s not a full flare up of his arthritis, he’s been spending time with Jill, and her black cloud has been obvious. Meanwhile Shula and Alistair’s lenten abstentions (chocolate and alcohol) are being tested to their comic limits (which isn’t very far).
  • We hear that Sid’s being a proper little ray of sunshine behind the bar at the Bull.
  • Ruth and David are still trying to get their heads around the decisions that need to be made at Brookfield – not least that Neil and even Bert are likely to be surplus to requirements (although asking Bert to go self-employed might be an answer). It’s not helped by Phil’s continued prevarication over resolving the issue once and for all – what is he planning to do to placate his children?