Luke reveals to Alan the family background that drove him to drugs.

Radio Times: Lynda takes on an unlikely role.

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  • Clarrie has not quite finished dressing the turkeys, so will follow Joe to the rehearsal. Joe is miffed that he has not had an invitation to Matt Crawford’s party but Clarrie thinks he just wants to show off all the changes he has made.
  • Alan has made his apologies to Luke for jumping to the wrong conclusion and he agrees with Mabel that he should contact his mum. However, Luke feels she would have said the same; she hates him, which is why he turned to drugs – to blot it out. His step-sisters love him, though. He never kept in touch with his real dad. Alan is keen to understand but Luke is spared further questions as Alan needs to go to the rehearsal.
  • Robert has gone down with flu, so Lynda has taken over as the Angel Gabriel; she knows the part well. On the sidelines, Neil confides to Shula that he is not looking forward to Christmas Day with Eddie. Alan reports that Mabel is tough on Luke but he respects her although Alan doesn’t feel that he himself is doing so well. Shula points out that village gossip puts the church burglary down to Luke or somebody like him.
  • Clarrie was only a little bit late and Neil insists that, because this is a technical rehearsal, they do correct technical mistakes. His stopwatch will allow for the delays and he won’t take no for an answer.
  • By the end Lynda is so worked up about the time that she wants another rehearsal tomorrow. This would be impossible for some of the cast and Alan assures her that, come Wednesday, it will go like a well-oiled machine.

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