Lynda meets her match in Neil. Bert meets his match in Vicky.

Radio Times: The battle lines are drawn for Neil and Lynda.

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  • As he delivers fliers for Wayne’s DJ evening, Bert encounters Vicky, supervising her garden makeover. As Vicky gushes about her project, Bert finds it hard to get a word in edgeways.
  • Later on, a mesmerised Bert tells David about Vicky, and is interested to hear of Ed’s new venture. Bert needs to practise for the ploughing competition, so thinks he’ll offer to plough Ed’s land ready for seeding. All he asks is the price of a drink.
  • Vicky calls at Grey Gables to invite Lynda and Robert to dinner and a Garden Warming. Lynda graciously accepts, subject to a consultation with Robert.
  • The Parish Council meets. Lynda reveals the identity of the guerrilla gardeners, but then feelings run high over Adam’s planning application. Neil and Lynda have a long and bitter exchange, and eventually David calls it to a halt. He and Lilian withdraw, the Chair is handed over, and the PC takes a vote.

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